Monday 8 October 2007

Radio 1 DVD

I thaught the DVD was very intresting because it took us behind the scence's of Radio 1. It showed us how newsbeat reporters interviewed people on the streets. And also took us behind the scence's of JK and Joel in Spain doing thier live concert which they have done for many years. The DVD also told us how Radio 1 managed to become one of the most popular Radio station's in the UK. It showed us why Radio 1 is not just a Radio station any more it does a different varity of things today like newsreading,Interviwing Celbs,Talking to the top Artists/Bands. Radio 1 reacently begun a chat room with thier listners so that the listner could communicate alot eaiser to the host on Radio1 insted of phoning in which also saves people money at the sme time. They also told us that during daytime shows they play the popular artists/bands and the barnd new artists as well but during the night time shows DJ'S have an oppertunity to experiment with different genres of songs because not a lot of people listen to the radio at night.

1 comment:

CameronAtAbcol said...

Clark can you please do something about the colours on this blog I cannot read white on a yellow background